Katy Hornaday
How to Give Direct Feedback Without Being an Asshole
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CST)

Being able to give concise, direct feedback to the teams and individuals you lead is essential.

But when you are first learning to lead, it can be hard to know how to give feedback that makes a point without making anyone cry or quit.

We'll talk about the importance of feedback and how (when done right) it's an absolute gift.

We'll cover how to figure out which feedback style works best for each person you lead and I'll share some of my more challenging dynamics like giving feedback to direct reports who are older than I am, friends outside of work or who take feedback personally.

We'll share situations we've all found ourselves in, tactics that have worked (the shit that didn't) and even outside resources to help us all keep being better about having the tough conversations without sparking an anonymous Fishbowl forum.